What is Car Rental? How Does It Work?

What is Car Rental? How Does It Work?
**Car Rental Processes**
Car rental involves paying an amount to use a vehicle for a limited time. In other words, it is signing and following a formal contract that states the renter owns the vehicle for a specified period by paying a small amount. This contract also mandates monthly payments and can only be terminated by paying a cancellation fee. This contract is made between the person renting the car and the company renting out the vehicle. Therefore, car rental has a more long-term nature. The rental period can be daily, weekly, monthly, or even between 2 to 3 years.

**How Does Car Rental Work?**
This process starts with a contract where the monthly rent, down payment amount, and contract period are determined. The down payment amount depends on the interest, depreciation, and rental fees of the vehicle. Depreciation is the difference between the value of the car at the time of purchase and sale. Therefore, the renter is obligated to fulfill all the conditions and obligations specified in the contract.

The following elements are included in the contract:

- The amount to be paid at the beginning of the rental
- Monthly rental payments
- Rental period
- Termination fees
- Annual mileage
- Penalty for damaging the vehicle
- Consequences of missing rental payments

**What Are the Disadvantages?**
- **Ownership**: Not owning the vehicle is one of the biggest disadvantages of car rental. Despite the upfront payment and rents, the renter does not become the vehicle owner. In short, long-term car rental can be more expensive than buying a car.
- **Limited Mileage**: The rental car cannot be used freely in this sense because the rental company imposes mileage limits, which restricts the ability to use the car. These mileage limits vary between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers per year.
- **Termination Difficulty**: High fees can prevent contract termination.

**Car Rental Agreement**
Since car rental systems in Ankara are usually not customer satisfaction-oriented, a car rental agreement must be made. This agreement is made between the renter and the car owner. After the bilateral signature, the contract terms must be followed. This is because any legal process that may arise will proceed according to this contract. Thus, fraud and victimization are prevented. If any issue arises in the future, actions are taken according to the clauses written in this contract. Below are the points to consider in this agreement:

- Whether the agreement is long-term or short-term should be specified.
- The insurance of the vehicles should be reviewed.
- The rental fee should be made according to the correct contract.
- The maintenance and repair service points of the vehicles should be included as conditions in the contract.
- Other people who will use the vehicle must be included in the contract.
- Delivery and return addresses should be included in the contract.
- Mechanical and bodywork inspections of second-hand vehicles should be included in the contract.
- Extension and early return conditions should be included in the document.
- It should be stated that the vehicle will not be used negatively.
- In case of damage, a damage tracking fee of 5% will be charged.
- In the event of an accident, the renter must inform the police and deliver the reports to the company within 24 hours.
- Unreasonable conditions are not signed, and new requests can be added.
- The renter is responsible for any damage to the vehicle.
- Expenses such as parking fines and fuel depletion are the responsibility of the renter.

**Types of Car Rental**
Car rental is divided into long-term and short-term. This distinction depends on the renter’s needs. Short-term rentals can be for daily or weekly periods, often for tourist trips or urgent needs. Depending on the driver’s license, different types of vehicles can be chosen.

For long-term rentals, many companies offer fleet car rental services, allowing cars to be rented for several years.

**Payment Methods and Deposit Procedures**
The person renting the car must have a credit card. In other words, the person renting the car must have their own credit card. For traffic, parking, fuel shortage fines, and damages not covered by insurance, a deposit is required. Therefore, a certain amount is blocked under the name of provision before renting the car. This amount reduces the available limit of the credit card. To cover this block amount, the credit card must have an available limit valid for at least 6 months.

**Car Rental Conditions**
A person who wants to rent a car must meet the following conditions:

- The driver must be at least 21 years old. A person at least 21 years old can rent an economy car.
- License period. In addition to having a driver's license, it must have been held for at least 2 years for mid-range vehicles.
- Additional driver notification. If a person rents a car in their name but wants someone else to drive it, this must be notified.
- Mileage limit. A mileage limit is given according to the amount paid. An additional fee is charged if the limit is exceeded.
- Insurance conditions. There are conditions for insurance coverage as well. For example, insurance is invalid if the driver is under the influence of drugs.
- Delivery and Return. The vehicle must be picked up from and returned to the specified address.
- The vehicle cannot be taken abroad. The vehicle must remain within the country’s borders.

Besa Rent A Car offers a unique journey to its customers with quality, reliable, and affordable car rental options in Ankara.

**Frequently Asked Questions**

**What is the age limit for car rental?**
The renter must be at least 21 years old to rent a car.

**How is payment made for car rental?**
Payment for car rental is made by credit card.

**Who cannot rent a car?**
Those who do not meet the car rental conditions cannot rent a car.

This article provides information about what car rental is and how it works. It also examines the points to consider in contract processes. A renter who complies with these elements can easily rent a car. Car rental is a process or transaction that works according to the contract from start to finish. This contract, signed between the renter and the rental company, continues until the end.
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